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English Classes in Temascalcingo

GLES offers three programs: classes for teenagers and adults, classes for elementary-school students, and classes for preschool students. Class times and schedules vary. Students who start in Level 1 can complete the program in two and a half years. Graduating students are able to speak, read, write, and understand English and are able to use their skills both in Mexico and abroad.

Classes for Teenagers and


Classes for teenagers and adults focus on giving students the skills they need to succeed in the Mexican education system and to gain professional jobs. They also prepare students to live, study, or work in the United States. Classes emphasize the ability to communicate, teaching practical English that can be applied to many different settings. Students leave the program with a upper intermediate level of speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

Classes for Children

Classes for children are fun and engaging, with curriculm designed to interest and motivate young children to learn English. All classes start with a game that unites fun and learning and brings the group together. Students sing songs, do craft projects, and learn vocabulary and grammar. As students advance through the program, they acquire an intermediate level of speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

Clases para adolescentes y adultos

Las clases para adolescentes y adultos se enfocan en darles a los estudiantes las abilidades que necesitan para tener exito en el sistema educativo de Mexico y para conseguir trabajo profesional. Tambien las clases preparan a los estudiantes para vivir, estudiar, o trabajar en los Estados Unidos. El enfoque de las clases es la abilidad de comunicarse en ambientes diferentes. Los estudiantes se graduan con un nivel intermedio de hablar, leer, escribir, y escuchar.


Clases para ninos

Las clases para ninos son divertidas, para que se motiven y aprendan mas rapido el ingles. Todas las clases empiezan con una dinamica que une el grupo. Los estudiantes cantan, hacen proyectos, y aprenden vocabulario y gramatica. En el transcurso del programa, adquiren un nivel intermedio de hablar, leer, escribir, y escuchar.

Classes for Preschoolers

Classes for preschool students are held twice a week, with curriculm designed to interest and motivate very young children to learn English. Classes include songs, circle time, movement games, sensory activities, and arts and crafts. Children experience an American-style preschool class in all English to learn through immersion.

Clases para ninos de preescolar

Las clases para ninos de preescolar son dos ves por semana, con un plan de estudios que motive a los ninos a aprender el ingles. Las clases incluyen canciones, "circle time", juegos de movimiento, actividades tactiles, y artes y oficios. Los ninos reciben la experiencia de una clase de preescolar al estilo americano en ingles para aprender a traves de la inmersion. 

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